This week around tables and living rooms across the world, families gather. Christmas eve. Christmas morning. Christmas dinner. The long, lazy days after Christmas. Sitting together sharing stories, gifts, and great food. At least this is what we want, right? Some families have this experience. Some don’t. Some of us wish we had people to […]
Where do you look when your foundation is shaken?
I was on a ladder, standing about six feet in the air when the whole thing just folded up underneath of me. It’s one of those ladders made of four segments which you can fold in different ways. I had it configured as a 12’ straight ladder, leaning against my house. Apparently, I had not […]
The Target for a Life-Changing FTF Routine.
Begin with the end in mind. Steven Covey is credited with that maxim. It’s the 2nd of his well-known 7 habits. If you start by thinking about the outcome you desire, you can avoid distractions. You can bypass all the options that look so good, so responsible, but don’t really contribute toward your desired outcome. A […]
The FTF Routine that gives me life.
Want a garden full of fresh, beautiful produce? Cultivate the soil and plant seeds. Want an investment portfolio that provides for your retirement? Thoughtfully invest some money every single month. Want a great relationship with your kids? Spend time in conversation every day. The common factor? Regular on-purpose investment. Put in a little effort every […]
Is your day your property or someone else’s? (Why you need a FTF routine.)
Turns out my blog is probably not for people who have an idyllic, peaceful life. If you’re living in a cabin somewhere reading, hiking, and build relationships with woodland creatures all day, this may not be for you. At least if Google analytics is to be believed. It seems like you have found yourselves in […]
Are you hiding your shame with contempt?
Today’s post is a special contribution from a guest, Sharon Mavis. She and her husband Rick are fascinated by the connection between spiritual and emotional maturity, so her writing is right up the alley of what we talk about here. You can find more about Sharon below the post. “I need to hide. There is something […]
How do we learn from Jesus when Jesus isn’t around?
Be a follower of Jesus, we’re told. Learn from Jesus how to do life. Get to know Jesus. Sounds good right? But how do we do it? Think of the people you know best. How did you get to know them? You shared experiences with them. You talked with them. You got to know them […]
Hey follower of Jesus, do you really know who you’re following?
You know some things about Jesus. I mean, you have a picture in your mind. A visual image, perhaps. A sense of what Jesus was like. How he treated people. His tone of voice, maybe. Certainly, the issues that he cared about most. As a follower of Jesus that mental picture is vital to you. […]
Read to Grow / Radically Normal (or Are you suffering from Spiritual Accomplishment Urgency Syndrome?)
There’s a particular sickness you might have if you grew up in Church World (Andy Stanley’s name for the deep sub-culture of evangelical Christianity) The sickness? Spiritual Accomplishment Urgency Syndrome. The symptoms often include: Do you notice a theme? Are you feeling a little guilty about it? There’s another way this illness manifests itself. For […]
Don’t you worry. God is working it out.
This post is for just some of you. If you’re sailing along with everything working in your life, go ahead and skip this one. I’m glad for you. Really, I am! This post, however, probably won’t be helpful to you. Instead, let me recommend this for you. Now, the rest of you? This post is […]
Weekend Wisdom / When Your Plans Failing is the Best Thing For You
You don’t have to get your way. Did you know that? When it seems like your plans are falling apart when you’re in the middle of uncomfortable circumstances that are out of your control, have you considered that maybe–just maybe–your mess is exactly what God needs to bring about something new in your life? This […]
What if God wants your plans to fall apart?
I had plans. They were good plans, intended to bring good things about. Plans for my church, like how we could grow and become of great influence in our community. Plans for my family, how things needed to look for a comfortable and peaceful home life. Plans for my writing, so that I could reach […]
Weekend Wisdom / The Always Prayer
Life comes at us like a freight train, a thundering sequence of commitments, obligations, and information that demand our attention. In the rush, it’s so easy to lose track of our spiritual focus. How do we keep our hearts and minds aligned with the new life we’ve been given? The Apostle Paul offers direction about a […]
Read & Grow / How to be a Christian without Going to Church
Surf to Google. Type the phrase “Can I be a Christian…” into the search box. Helpful as ever, Google will start suggesting popular queries. The top search? “Can I be a Christian without going to church?” This is a question people are asking. They are asking it a lot. I’m a Pastor’s Kid who grew up […]
How a $280 Treadmill Desk helped me be more intentional.
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” Those are J.R.R. Tolkien’s words, in the mouth of Gandalf. They also perfectly describe the intentional life. You’ve got a certain amount of time. It happens to be exactly the same amount as the people around you: 24 hours in […]