Do you need a little daily pastor? A Review of The Listening Day, by Paul. J. Pastor

I bet you eat food every single day. You do, right? Why? Because your body needs it. Through the miracle of digestion, your body breaks that food down into the nutrients that sustain you, heal you, rebuild and energize you. You probably don’t spent much time thinking about giving up eating altogether. It’s just too […]

The Deeper Conversion (TAW EP002)

Episode 002 – The Deeper Conversion. We look around us at people wearing the label “Christian,” maybe we even look at ourselves, and wonder. Isn’t there something more? Shouldn’t life in Christ make a tangible difference in our experience and the way we live? Yes! We are meant to have an experience of Jesus that […]

Your To-Do List is Numinous

Think for a moment about the last significant spiritual experience you had, that last moment when it seemed the claustrophobic haze of everyday life burned off briefly, and you sensed God. When was that? What was happening? Was it worship service where the music transported you? Or maybe you were on a hike. The trail […]

Introductions (TAW EP001)

Episode 001 – Introductions Welcome to a whole new thing! A Podcast called The Apprenticeship Way. Are you hooked on Jesus, but maybe you’ve struggled to see real growth or transformation in the “church activities routine” that you were handed by the church? Do you suspect there must be something more, something deeper? I know […]

The Limits You Hate May Be Good For You

I love this season of the year here in Portland. Blue sky sunshine days begin to break through the winter veil of wet greyness we’ve lived beneath for months on end. When those days happen… man, they are glorious! With those days of sun and the change in temperature, all the living things in our […]