Today is the 38th day of Lent. I’m reading Luke 19:28-44 today, Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to crowds of hopeful and adoring fans.
Lent Reflection – Am I driven by fear of loss and death?
Today is the 37th day of Lent. John 19:38-42 is the scripture today, the burial of Jesus.
Lent Reflection – Do I think Jesus’ crucifixion was mainly meant to benefit me?
Today is the 36th day of Lent. The reading today is Luke 23:39-43, Jesus crucified between two condemned men.
Lent Reflection – Do I have a need for God to be violent?
We’re up to the 35th day of Lent. Luke 23:33-38 is today’s scripture. Jesus is crucified. Jesus forgives.
Lent Reflection – Am I tempted to ignore injustice?
This is the 34th day of Lent. The scripture today is Luke 23:27-31, when the women of Jerusalem weep for Jesus.
Lent Reflection – Am I driven to avoid discomfort and insecurity?
Today is the 33nd day of Lent. The scripture today is John 12:20-33, where Jesus talks about what it really means to follow him.
Lent Reflection – Do I serve others even when it costs me?
Today is the 32nd day of Lent. Today’s passage is Mark 15:21, a single verse that offers us a fascinating glimpse into the life of the early church.
Lent Reflection – Am I dying with Jesus?
Good morning and welcome to the 31st day of Lent. John 19:16-17 is the scripture today. Jesus carries his cross.
Lent Reflection – Do I resist Jesus’ lordship because it threatens my sovereignty?
We’ve arrived at the 30th day of Lent. Mark 15:15-20 is the scripture reading today. Jesus is stripped and mocked by the Roman soldiers.
Lent Reflection – Do I believe that sometimes violence is the right answer?
Today is the 29th day of Lent. The scripture reading today is Luke 23:13-25. Here we see Jesus before Pilate, and the choice that Pilate gave the crowd.
Lent Reflection – Am I quick to judge when I and others fail to live up to our commitments?
It’s the 28th day of Lent. The scripture today is Matthew 26:69-75, Peter’s denial of Jesus.
Lent Reflection – Do I feel anxious when I’m not in control?
We’re up to the 27th day of Lent. Matthew 26:57-68 is the scripture today, the scene of Jesus’ trial before the Sanhedrin.
Lent Reflection – Am I invested in making sure people get what they deserve and don’t get what they don’t deserve?
Today is the 26th day of Lent. Luke 15:11-32 is the scripture today, the story we call “The Prodigal Son.”
Lent Reflection – Do I justify power, manipulation, even violence with my Christianity?
Today is the 25th day of Lent. The scripture today is Mark 14:43-46, Judas’ betrayal of Jesus.
Lent Reflection – Am I torn between choosing comfort or choosing love?
Today we turn a corner. This is the 24th day of Lent. Starting today, the Lent reflections and scriptures begin to follow the events in Jesus’ last eighteen hours of life. If you haven’t been following along so far, now is an excellent time to start. Reflecting on these events will prepare your heart for […]