7 min. to read.
There were clues all along the way. They meant nothing to me when they happened, but looking back now they stick out like flashing fluorescent signs.
There was the day I shared my college plans with a friend. I’d been accepted to my dream program at a great school. I said I was “really excited to go.” He burst out laughing. A little hurt, I asked why he was laughing at me. He said, “In my whole life I’ve never heard someone say they were excited while looking and sounding so completely not excited at the same time.”
There was the college friend who called me a “pod person,” because she could never get a rise out of me.
And then there was the recurring complaint from friends and eventually, from my wife. I felt fine in our relationships. I thought things were mostly good, but they would say I felt distant to them, or that they couldn’t get to me, or that I wasn’t hearing them. They wondered if we were really even friends.
At the time, I didn’t think any of this really mattered. I was strong. I was able to handle a crisis. I was a clear-headed thinker and problem solver. These complaints were their problem, right?
Are any of these clues present in your life?
It took a near break-down bringing my life screeching to a halt under an avalanche of unprocessed pain, for me to learn the truth. Those clues had been there, giving me warning. Instead of noticing, I self-justified. “I’m not that emotional. It’s fine. I’m just not a people person. We all have different gifts.” But I was wrong.
I don’t usually write just to men. The topics I write about matter for everyone. But the more conversations I’ve had around my book, The Wisdom of Your Heart: Discovering the God-given Power and Purpose of Your Emotions, the more clear it has become. Men, more often than women, are frequently clueless about their desperate need for emotional maturity.
I certainly was.
So, this post is for the men out there. I want to ask you to do an honest self-evaluation. Read the rest of this post. As you do, notice what happens inside you. If you find yourself getting defensive or making excuses as you read, you might need to stop and consider your own level of emotional health and maturity.
It’s possible there have been clues there all along, just like there were for me. Are you willing to admit if any of these are true?
1. Are you known for outbursts?
Maybe you think of yourself as even-keeled or calm, but the truth is that sometimes life just throws too much at you all at once. Perhaps the kids push that button one too many times, or another idiot cuts you off in traffic, and something erupts from inside you and boils over.
Sure, there was a reason. There always is. And your emotional response is defensible. And yet, if you can step back and look at what actually happened, truth be told, you over-reacted. Maybe that’s something you’re even known for. The technical term for this is a “Disproportionate Reaction.” Too often, the level of energy that erupts from you is out of line with the level of the irritation.
2. Are you easily offended?
We’ve started talking about triggers in our culture. Triggers are everywhere. A certain topic, or tone of voice, or being treated in a certain way—well, it just gets under your skin. No question, there are offensive things in the world. Injustice, racism, sexist behavior, exploitation. There are so many things that should move our hearts and cause us to react.
And yet, if you’re honest, you feel offended and put-upon most of the time. If you take time to listen, you might find that people are walking on egg-shells around you, or just not including you, because they can’t tell when some little thing is going to set you off.
3. Are you always fine?
Or maybe, your struggle comes from a much different angle. Life is mostly good. Nobody would say you have an anger problem; they don’t expect outbursts from you. In fact, what they expect you to be is fine.
“How are you today?” “Fine.”
“How was the weekend.” “Just fine.”
“How are you feeling?” “Fine.”
Fine is a word you use all the time. When life hands you something wonderful, there’s not much feeling to it. When tragedy strikes, you don’t break down and cry. It’s your job to stay composed, in control. You can’t remember the last time you cried. The truth is you’re numb. The feelings you experience are thin, drab and all too rare.
4. Do you tend to choose solo activities over time with loved ones?
It’s true that there is such a thing as an introvert who needs solo time to recharge. (I am one!) But it’s also true that choosing solo activities can be a way of avoiding the discomfort of relational interaction.
Emotional connection is the currency of relationships. The less connected you are to your own emotions, the less you’ll be able to understand and respond to the emotions of people around you—especially people you care about. You will also be more likely to discount or diminish the emotions of others.
So, if the people who love you complain that you’re not available, don’t make excuses. Listen. It might not just be a busy schedule. It might be that you struggle to connect emotionally.
This is also true if you are most comfortable with superficial activities that can be done in parallel with other people — like watching sports or going to a movie. It can feel like relational time, but it’s a trick. You are together in the same space, but you aren’t really connecting. These kinds of activities aren’t bad in themselves, but if you find yourself uncomfortable with anything more engaging, it might be a clue about your own emotional struggles.
If you pay attention, you might avoid some pain.
There are a lot of reasons why emotional maturity can be hard for men. We all have our own stories–and this is certainly not only a problem for men–but here’s the truth we need to face.
Healthy relationships require an emotional connection. Growing intimacy only happens with honesty about our emotions. This is true for every relationship. The kind of rich, safe marriage so many of us long for comes with emotional maturity. Long-term life-giving relationships with our children come with emotional maturity. Even a sense of real connection with God is easier as we mature emotionally.
I ignored the clues that were present in my life, and paid dearly for it. What about you? Are any of these clues present in your life? If they are, are you willing to stop blaming and justifying, and actually do something to change?
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Really appreciate your honesty and insight Marc. Your weekly posts are life giving.
Thanks for saying so, Jay. I’m glad that you’re finding my writing helpful. Blessings.
I Praise God that he has led me to your story. When I read your post it resonated that God wants me teach me how to deal with my emotions and He is going to bring me to emotional maturity. All the signs you mentioned are signposts in my life that I need to take action now. I have purchased your book believing that God will use it to move me to a life of fulfilment and knowing that his power will transform and take me to emotional maturity and blessings.
God Bless You
Sandi, thanks for reading and leaving a comment. I hope you find the book helpful. I’d love to hear how it goes for you.
Hi Marc,
Thans for this great post. I use to have issues with people who do not keep an appointment.But, as I get matured I realised the test of my maturity is my ability to manage crises.
Thanks again.
Wow. That’s a good insight. Our ability to navigate the unexpected is definitely an indicator of our emotional maturity!
Marc, I heard you today on Moody Bible “Boundless” program and what you said hit me like a brick. It is me in a nutshell. The ‘fix-it man, the comforter, the encourager, “Jesus Jr”, etc. I love the Lord and believe in doing His will, according to the word of God and the spirit of God. After so many years of this and still in the midst of family trials involving marriage, work, assisting with the care-giving of elderly mother, uncle and aunt, I am numb. I hurt but don’t feel it. I’m tired but know I’ve got to keep going. I take it as God’s grace and strength. Who said after we got saved life would be calm, cool and collective. On the earthly, intellectual side, I used to think something was wrong with me. I have never been super-emotional. Then after personality training and 360’ degree assessments, I/we were told we all have different personalities. I/many of us just happen to have scored high on the “introvert”/”thinker” side of the scale, rather than someone who is an extroverted, great communicator, life-of-the-party” thinking outside the box risk taker. We were told there’s nothing wrong with being an introverted thinker unlike those who speak ‘whatever is on their mind’ or laugh at the drop of a hat. Now I don’t know who I am, or what I feel. I just go and deal with things as they come along. I don’t witness to others or speak of the Lord to unbeilevers much more because I realize I have faults and I have fallen also. I tried ‘Christian counseling’ about two years ago however they were more focused on my one area of acknowledged sin than my marital, family, financial and emotional health. I know there are great counselors out here and hopefully I will find one, or just a brother in the Lord that will hear the Lord and give a word in due season. Your book sounds great, however because of the barrage of family issues over the last eight years, I usually don’t finish books. I don’t have time to sit down to relax and read. I am too busy fixing family problems. Your message today touched my heart. I have bookmarked your website. Thank you for sharing your heart brother. It is a word for me that I needed to hear. Blessings and love in Christ. He is our keeper.
Hey Jeff, so glad to connect. I relate so much to everything you’ve said here. I wish you could read my book. I think you’d find it helpful. I’m also in the middle of recording the audio book, so that may be another option. In the meanwhile, I’m so grateful that I can be of a small help in your journey. Never forget that you are loved and you are not alone.
Marc, thank you. I will get the book soon. I guess I am an ‘old-schooler’ and still prefer hard copies of information so I can re-read, highlight, and recall those ideas that stick out to me. I use my cellphone and computer as a convenience sometime, but for me its not as effective. Thanks much.
Sure thing. I’m the same way. That’s why you can get a paperback copy! 🙂