“When we do justice, there is a degree of like-mindedness with God. Justice is a theological necessity.” – @kjwytsma
Ken Wytsma is an educator and social justice activist. He’s the president of Kiln college and the founder of The Justice Conference. I became familiar with him when I attended the Justice Conference in Portland in 2012. (Some thoughts on that incredible experience here and here.)
Consider his words: “When we do justice, there is a degree of like-mindedness with God. Justice is a theological necessity.” – @kjwytsma
The American church, particularly the Evangelical branch, has really done a poor job living out the scriptural call to justice. Justice is a part of God’s character. And if, when I say that, you imagine scales of justice and punishing criminals and sinners, then you need to do some serious study, because that’s not what Biblical justice is about at all. Reading Ken’s book, “Pursuing Justice: The Call to Live and Die for Bigger Things” is a great starting point.
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