Quote – Returned Transformed

“What is given to God is always returned transformed.” – @RichardRohrOFM

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Consider this:

“What is given to God is always returned transformed.”

What a profound statement on what God does in our lives!

Richard Rohr is probably the spiritual thinker from outside my own tradition that has influenced me the most. I grew up in a  church that was very negative about anyone and anything Catholic. I still certainly have differences of opinion on some pretty big theological matters, but I’ve learned that God has spoken for a long time through some pretty amazing people who are Catholic.  Rohr is one of those for me.  

Rohr is a Franciscan Friar and pastor who has specialized on men’s spirituality. (But in a very non-“Promise Keepers” kind of way, if you know what I mean.  Rohr’s book “Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life,” was a life-saver for me a crucial junction.

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