Today is the 16th day of Lent. Luke 16:19-31 is the scripture today, the odd parable we call the Rich Man and Lazarus.
Lent Reflection – Am I offended by generosity?
Today is the 11th day of Lent. Today’s scripture is Matthew 20:1-16, the parable of the vineyard owner who hired workers throughout the day but paid them all the same. Wha’s up with that?
Lent Reflection – Are my things in my way?
Today continues my series of reflections for Lent. Today is the 2nd day of Lent, and the scripture I’m reading and reflecting on is Mark 10:17-31, the scene where Jesus interacts with a man we’ve come to call the ”Rich Young Ruler.”
Weekend Wisdom / Living with Open Hands
The first thing generosity brings to mind is giving — giving of time, or money. Talking about giving in church is notoriously awkward. The conversation is usually laced with oughts and shoulds, and focuses on obligation and obedience. But that’s a stunning misunderstanding of the point. Our attitude toward giving is a direct window into our […]
Weekend Wisdom / Living Like There’s More
Every decision you make passes through the same filter. How you relate to money and time, how you treat the people around you, even your family. The way you deal with people you disagree with. Your response in these situations is filtered through your core sense of generosity. Your level of generosity comes from a perspective […]