If you grew up in church world, you learned that one of the most important things was God’s glory. We were very clearly supposed to give God the glory, like little human spotlights always showing how awesome God is. Over time, I learned what kind of things would do this. There was a clear category: […]
Myth #1: God’s Not Emotional.
I remember seeing a Jesus movie as a kid, sometime in the middle seventies. The Jesus in that film was haunting. His long, blond hair hung limp down the sides of his gaunt face, framing piercing blue eyes that could see, I imagined, right into your heart. He spoke quietly. His words were delivered in […]
A Worship Short-Circuit.
I was preaching from the book of Jonah once and came across an interesting thought about worship. Most people know the set-up to the story, of course. Jonah gets tapped by God to go “cry out” against the wickedness of the city of Nineveh. But Nineveh was the capital city of the Assyrian empire, and […]
Worshipping as a Child.
I was reading in Matthew this morning and came across a little scene that sparked my thoughts. It’s the well-known passage where the disciples keep some children from coming to Jesus, and Jesus corrects them. Here’s the passage, Luke 19:13-14. “Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray […]
Declare Your Creed-In-Process.
I was reflecting on Matthew 16:15 as a part of my personal worship a few days ago. This is the moment where Jesus asks his disciples who they really think he is. They tossed around the latest news – some people thought Jesus was John the Baptist back from the dead. Others thought that perhaps he was […]