Want God to answer your prayers? Want a sense of intimacy with God? Then you have to show you’re serious in your commitment. You need to be doing all the right things and avoiding all the wrong ones. Try harder, believe more, really mean it this time. Not everyone believes this, but a lot of […]
Weekend Wisdom / A Gospel Jerk
Here’s the video of the presentation that developed from my last blog post, “Have I ever told you about the time the Gospel made me an intolerant jerk?” If you want to see me say in 3000 words and 38 minutes, what I was able to say in 900 words on the blog, here’s your […]
How the Gospel made me an intolerant jerk
If the Gospel doesn’t change how you see others, you don’t really get it. Religion is great. Except when it comes to how we relate to other people. Every worldview has this problem. Capitalism works perfectly, except for “those people” who take advantage of the system. Socialism works perfectly, except for “those people” who won’t […]