An infamous political strategist, speaking of the plans of the current U.S. regime, said that the way they would overcome the resistance of their opposition and the limits of Constitutional boundaries was to “flood the zone”—essentially to overwhelm people with uncertainty, fear, and indecision. With new Executive Orders being issued almost daily, and the ensuing […]
Lent Reflection – Do I mistake my religious observance for a life that pleases God?
Today’s reading for Lent is Mark 11:12-23, Jesus’ dramatic act in the temple and his odd interaction with a fig tree.
Lent Reflection – Am I waiting for personal guidance when I already know the good I should do?
Today is the 16th day of Lent. Luke 16:19-31 is the scripture today, the odd parable we call the Rich Man and Lazarus.
If you feel like God, You will do justice.
I attended The Justice Conference in Portland in 2012. This is part 2 of my reflections. You can catch up on part 1 (Love, Justice & the Problem of Indifferent Christians) here. Part 2: If You Feel Like God, You Will Do Justice. As I sat through speaker after speaker at the conference, one question kept surfacing for […]
Love, Justice & the Problem of Indifferent Christians.
Part 1: Digesting the Justice Conference In 2012 I attended the Justice Conference, here in Portland. It was amazing. Like conferences often are, it was a fire hose of information. When I left the conference late Saturday night, I was over-full. I wanted to reflect, to not open my mouth for weeks. The friend I […]