Today is the 26th day of Lent. Luke 15:11-32 is the scripture today, the story we call “The Prodigal Son.”
Lent Reflection – Do I justify power, manipulation, even violence with my Christianity?
Today is the 25th day of Lent. The scripture today is Mark 14:43-46, Judas’ betrayal of Jesus.
Lent Reflection – Am I torn between choosing comfort or choosing love?
Today we turn a corner. This is the 24th day of Lent. Starting today, the Lent reflections and scriptures begin to follow the events in Jesus’ last eighteen hours of life. If you haven’t been following along so far, now is an excellent time to start. Reflecting on these events will prepare your heart for […]
Lent Reflection – Do I fear I am too far gone for God?
Today is the 23rd day of Lent. Today’s reading is John 11:1-44, the resurrection of Lazarus.
Lent Reflection – Am I drawn to leaders who promise to look out for me but are only in it for themselves?
It’s the 22nd day of Lent. John 10:1-21 is the scripture Today, where Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd.
Lent Reflection – Do I invalidate other’s identity or spiritual experiences when they don’t fit my expectation or belief?
We’re up to the 21st day of Lent. John 9:1-41 is our scripture today. This is another healing story, but it’s also a catalog of the many ways we religious people can be terrible to others in the name of God.
Lent Reflection – Do I find validation being part an angry group?
Today is the 20th day of Lent. John 8:1-11 is the scripture today, the captivating scene where Jesus diffuses a mob intent on humiliating him and exploiting a woman to do so. (Historically, we’ve called this story “The Woman Taken In Adultery,” but that puts the spotlight on the wrong people.)
Lent Reflection – Do I use others’ pain to justify my beliefs?
Today is the 19th day of Lent. Today I’m reading Luke 13:1-5, a strange little interaction where Jesus talks about tragedy and repentance.
Lent Reflection – Do I treat some people as irredeemable?
Today is the 18th day of Lent. Today we’re reading Luke 19:1-10, the famous children’s story about Zacchaeus, the wee little man. But is it a children’s story?
Lent Reflection – Do I judge others’ righteousness & purity?
It’s the 17th day of Lent. Luke 18:9-14 is today’s scripture, a parable that warns against using prayer and spiritual practice in a very destructive way.
Lent Reflection – Am I waiting for personal guidance when I already know the good I should do?
Today is the 16th day of Lent. Luke 16:19-31 is the scripture today, the odd parable we call the Rich Man and Lazarus.
Lent Reflection – Is my need to stay busy keeping me from being present?
This is the 15th day of Lent. Luke 10:38-42 is today’s scripture, the contrast between Mary and Martha..
Lent Reflection – Do I limit who I will be a neighbor to?
We’re up to the 14th day of Lent. Luke 10:25-37 is the scripture today. In yesterday’s reading, Jesus was denied hospitality by a Samaritan village because he was Jewish. In the next chapter of Luke, Jesus tells a story that makes a Samaritan the hero and provides the model for Christian ethics.
Lent Reflection – Am I using Jesus to justify hateful behavior?
Today is the 13th day of Lent. The scripture for today is Luke 9:51-56, that time when the disciples asked Jesus to incinerate a village.
Lent Reflection – Are my expectations keeping me from hearing Jesus?
This is the 12th day of Lent. The scripture for today is Matthew 17:1-9, the stunning event we call the Transfiguration.