Of course, Constantine is worthy of criticism on many fronts. He was one of the earliest celebrity conversions we know of. He may have been the first high-profile person to convert to Christianity for purposes unrelated to Jesus. And certainly, He was a bloody, vindictive Emperor who used the violent power of his station to […]
Lent Reflection – Do I expect Jesus to make my life and the world what I want it to be?
Today is the 38th day of Lent. I’m reading Luke 19:28-44 today, Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to crowds of hopeful and adoring fans.
Lent Reflection – Do I think Jesus’ crucifixion was mainly meant to benefit me?
Today is the 36th day of Lent. The reading today is Luke 23:39-43, Jesus crucified between two condemned men.
Lent Reflection – Do I have a need for God to be violent?
We’re up to the 35th day of Lent. Luke 23:33-38 is today’s scripture. Jesus is crucified. Jesus forgives.
Lent Reflection – Am I driven to avoid discomfort and insecurity?
Today is the 33nd day of Lent. The scripture today is John 12:20-33, where Jesus talks about what it really means to follow him.
Lent Reflection – Do I serve others even when it costs me?
Today is the 32nd day of Lent. Today’s passage is Mark 15:21, a single verse that offers us a fascinating glimpse into the life of the early church.
Lent Reflection – Do I feel anxious when I’m not in control?
We’re up to the 27th day of Lent. Matthew 26:57-68 is the scripture today, the scene of Jesus’ trial before the Sanhedrin.