Today is the 38th day of Lent. I’m reading Luke 19:28-44 today, Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to crowds of hopeful and adoring fans.
Lent Reflection – Do I believe that sometimes violence is the right answer?
Today is the 29th day of Lent. The scripture reading today is Luke 23:13-25. Here we see Jesus before Pilate, and the choice that Pilate gave the crowd.
Lent Reflection – Do I feel anxious when I’m not in control?
We’re up to the 27th day of Lent. Matthew 26:57-68 is the scripture today, the scene of Jesus’ trial before the Sanhedrin.
Lent Reflection – Do I justify power, manipulation, even violence with my Christianity?
Today is the 25th day of Lent. The scripture today is Mark 14:43-46, Judas’ betrayal of Jesus.
Lent Reflection – Am I choosing power over love?
Good morning! It’s the 5th day of Lent. Today’s scripture is Matthew 4:1-11, the story of Jesus’ temptations, a crucial reflection for those of us who follow Jesus’ way.
What Christians could learn about power from Jesus’ temptations.
In the wilderness, Jesus faced three temptations and triumphed. In Brothers Karamazov, through the Grand Inquisitor, Dostoevsky claimed the Church has faced these same temptations and soundly failed. Historically, many commentators have seen the temptations as individual sins, such as gluttony or greed. Dostoevsky perceives something different: All three temptations are about power. Jesus refused […]