Few words are quite as squishy as “spiritual.” Some avoid using it because it’s open to so many interpretations. After all, the term is used by all sorts of people, probably even people who disagree with you! Yet, I think spiritual is a worthy and helpful word. Note: This post, first published on 9/12/2022, is an edited […]
Lent Reflection – Do I mistake my religious observance for a life that pleases God?
Today’s reading for Lent is Mark 11:12-23, Jesus’ dramatic act in the temple and his odd interaction with a fig tree.
Is your religion feeding you or is it just knife skills?
I was juggling the preparations for a Bar-B-Que. Onions and mushrooms were caramelizing on the stove top. On the grill, Burgers were starting to cook. I was bouncing between setting out the sides, rooting out long forgotten condiments from the back corners of the fridge, and cutting tomatoes. Just then, my ever-hungry 6 year-old walked […]