Spiritual vitality and living with purpose are intertwined. To have one, you need the other. Your pursuit of purpose is key. Very close to you is a treasure chest overflowing with clues necessary to finding your unique, God-created life purpose. Chances are high that you’re overlooking it. I want to show you where to look.
Hey busy person, how do you remember God?
Did you ever tie a string around your finger to remember something? Not sure why, but that was a common solution in books I read as a child. I tried it once. All I got was a purple finger. Since childhood I’ve been distractable. Maybe it’s undiagnosed ADD, or just the fruit of a very […]
Your Invitation? To Live Fully Awake.
Some mornings look like this: I slide out of bed with a sense of expectation. A shower clears my head. A walk on the treadmill gets the blood and oxygen moving. The day comes at me in whatever shape it happens, but I’m present and aware. I’m able to make choices that align with who […]