I grew up in a church community where God’s will was a tangible thing. God’s hand rested heavy on the world in our view of things, and we had our part to play in God’s mission. So, discovering God’s will for our lives was crucial. What a waste it would be, we worried, to live […]
How to Handle the Hard Times
Took a trip to the DMV last week. Waited for a long time… a really, long time. When I finally got my chance to stand at the counter, I presented my carefully filled-out paperwork. The guy at the counter slowly flipped through my documents, and mused, “Oh…” Long pause. “We’ve got a problem here.” A […]
Relieve stress with an Inside-Out Attitude
Stress, pressure, constantly feeling overwhelmed. As our lives have filled up with expectations and commitment, this seems to be our natural state. At any moment there is some obligation that we are not living up to, and we feel it acutely. Are we good parents? We try, but we probably let our kids watch too […]
Stop Stress by Thinking About Stressors
I was in a Facebook conversation with a friend about the stress she was under. Her husband had helpfully suggested that perhaps she should “just not feel it.” Sensing that this was probably not the best advice he’d given her in their marriage, she was crowd sourcing ideas about how to deal with the emotional […]