Coming February 18, 2025

Following Jesus should change more than our eternity.

Perhaps you’ve been captivated by Jesus for a long time or are newly intrigued by him. You already know it’s possible to be a Christian and not be very much like Jesus, but that’s not what you want. Whether through your own study or your spiritual intuition, you sense that following the way of Jesus ought to be transformational for you and for the world you inhabit.

Try on Jesus’ attitude and see what it changes in your life.

Walking Otherward is a forty-day devotional that follows Jesus in the final weeks leading to his crucifixion. Focusing on Jesus’ interactions in these Gospel texts, each reflection invites the reader to take on Jesus’ attitude, exchanging self-centered, ego-defending ambition for other-centered, co-suffering love.


Marc serves as a faithful guide in helping us find the Christlike paths that are, in his words, “otherward.” Indeed, to follow Jesus is to journey outside ourselves toward others in co-suffering love. This is the way of the cross, the way of Jesus. It is also the narrow way that leads to life.

Reading Marc’s book, I couldn’t help but call to mind Rainer Rilke’s quote: “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves . . . the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now.” Indeed, this is what Marc has invited us into.

Those who claim the Christian label will do well to be re-immersed in the Jesus Way while those who don’t will discover the path of other-centered, co-suffering love is just what they’ve longed for, regardless of their faith tradition.

Perhaps you’ve been captivated by Jesus for a long time or are newly intrigued by him. You already know it’s possible to be a Christian and not be very much like Jesus, but that’s not what you want. Whether through your own study or your spiritual intuition, you sense that following the way of Jesus ought to be transformational for you and for the world you inhabit.

The urgent drive of our time—to always be moving upward and forward—has already taken its toll on you. You suspect an inward focus is necessary for personal healing and growth but wonder if it makes any difference for others in the world around you. And you definitely don’t want to go backward, whether to past ways of thinking that were destructive or back to a world that is more hierarchical, violent, and exploitative. Perhaps you feel homeless spiritually and wonder which way you should go.

The gospel narrative of Jesus’ life suggests a path. Walking Otherward is a forty-day devotional that follows the Gospel texts of Jesus’ final weeks leading to his crucifixion. Each entry invites you to try on the attitude of Jesus, setting aside self-centered, ego-defending ambition in exchange for other-centered, co-suffering love.

Rather than climbing upward, retreating backward, or withdrawing inward, Jesus’ path invites us to walk otherward.

Reader Review Excerpts

The tenacity of Walking Otherward’s focus is that Jesus is other-centered and co-suffering and that if I am humble–thoughtful of the ways I need to step aside, release ego, or let go of my familiar and comfortable ways–I can be like Him too. Marc helped me see Jesus better.

At the end of the forty days, I found myself moving away from a ‘performance’ fear-based unconscious relationship with God to allowing Him to to see me as beloved no matter what.

Like looking into a mirror, the questions help me to see new areas of my life in new ways while prompting new questions . . . I have a sneaky feeling that the next time I go through this book, I may discover something new.

I loved this devotional! It is the first one that helped me delve deeper into my knowledge of God and myself and strengthened my relationship with Him.  I would highly recommend this to everyone!

If you’re looking for a devotional to give you a quick daily dose of Scripture, skip this one. If you want to be challenged to think more about what it means to follow Christ, dive in.

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