[Re-write] Presentations, Teachings, Sermons — all spoken word to build your spiritual life.
How to read the Bible when you’ve got really good reasons not to.
- How to read the Bible when you know too much. — The first hurdle to a life-giving experience with the Bible is our own preconceptions. (Week 1)
Life in His Name – The Gospel of John
- Living Water Within – Jesus offers living water within. What on earth is this? John 4:11-15 (Week 22)
- Spirit & Truth right Now – Jesus says that we are to worship in spirit & in truth. What does this mean? John 4:27-42 (Week 23)
- Tell Your Jesus Story – What comes to mind when you think of evangelism? We encounter the 1st evangelist in the woman at the well and what she did is so much different than what you may have been taught. John 4:27-42 (Week 24)
- Walking in the In-between – Sometimes Jesus answers prayers, but most of our life is spent in the in-between moment, between the promise and the answer. How do we live there? (Week 25)
- No Answers? Jesus Blesses You. – When you have more questions than answers, you need to know that Jesus sees you and blesses you. John 20:24-29.
- When your plans failing is the best thing for you. – We all hate failure. But what if failure is something God uses in your life?
- Living Like There’s More – We all live from one of two perspectives: That there is not enough, or that there is. Series: A Generous Life, #1
- Living With an Open Hand – Our attitude toward giving our time and resources is connected to our faith and our fear. Series: A Generous Life, #2
- Part of a Resurrection Community – Jesus’ resurrection isn’t just about you. It means you are part of a new community. Series: People of the Resurrection, Week 2.
- Share What You Have – You’ve been equipped with everything you need to make a difference in the world. Series: People of the Resurrection, Week 4.
- The time the Gospel made me an intolerant jerk. – Jesus’ death ended hostility. Ephesians 2:11-22.
- The Always Prayer – How do we keep our mind and heart aligned with God? Through the Always Prayer. Ephesians 6:18