Marc's Books

Walking Otherward

On sale starting February 18th!

Walking Otherward is a forty-day devotional that follows Jesus in the final weeks before his crucifixion. Focusing on Jesus’ interactions in these Gospel texts, each reflection invites the reader to adopt Jesus’ attitude, exchanging self-centered, ego-defending ambition for other-centered, co-suffering love. Suitable for Lent or any other season of spiritual introspection.

2025, Live210 Media
Paperback, ebook

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Journaling for Spiritual Growth

Spiritual and personal growth is possible. Over the centuries, journaling has emerged as one of the most consistently transformative practices, recommended by leaders across spiritual traditions, therapists, coaches, and others. Incorporating both ancient spiritual wisdom and current neuro-biology, Journaling for Spiritual Growth teaches you how to be present to your life and hear what the Spirit is doing within you.

2022, Live210 Media
Paperback, ebook

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The Wisdom of Your Heart: Discovering the God-given Purpose and power of Your Emotions

Emotions are an essential part of a life well lived and a God-given source of wisdom. Learning to listen well to our emotions is vital for rich relationships, vibrant families, and a healthy spiritual life.

2017, David C Cook Publishing
Paperback, ebook, audiobook

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Untangle Workbook: A guided journaling process for untangling emotions and finding wisdom

Emotional maturity doesn’t come from simply having experiences alone, but from reflecting on those experiences, and learning how to discern the wisdom there. This practical journal teaches you how to use the 5 A Process to untangle emotional experiences.

2019, Live210 Media
Lie-Flat Workbook

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Discovering Your Authentic Core Values: A Step-by-Step Guide

You live in a world where other people’s agendas compete for your time and resources. Stop living reactively. Discover and name the core values that are authentic to you so that you can live an intentional life!

2012, Live210 Media
Paperback, eBook, PDF

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