Today is the 38th day of Lent. I’m reading Luke 19:28-44 today, Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to crowds of hopeful and adoring fans.
Lent Reflection – Am I driven to avoid discomfort and insecurity?
Today is the 33nd day of Lent. The scripture today is John 12:20-33, where Jesus talks about what it really means to follow him.
Lent Reflection – Do I serve others even when it costs me?
Today is the 32nd day of Lent. Today’s passage is Mark 15:21, a single verse that offers us a fascinating glimpse into the life of the early church.
Lent Reflection – Am I dying with Jesus?
Good morning and welcome to the 31st day of Lent. John 19:16-17 is the scripture today. Jesus carries his cross.