My vision is changing. It happened suddenly. If I’m sitting on the couch looking at my computer screen and I look up at the TV across the room, I can almost hear the gears slowly racheting as the image comes into focus. Whirrrr. Click. Sputter. My machinery is getting old. Seeing the focusing process unfolding […]
The Gospel you believe shapes the life you live.
My back deck has the potential for an incredible view. We sit above a small valley, so I ought to be able to see lights below. The direction our deck faces ought to give me a full panorama of Mount Hood. I don’t get to see any of that. The property just below ours is […]
A bigger life needs a bigger gospel.
A friend of mine was upset. She had just signed up for an online coaching experience. The marketing was strong and professional. The reputation of the coach was sterling. She even had some experience with previous products from this person that were great. So, she laid down a good chunk of money for the opportunity. […]
Which Eternal Life are you Chasing?
I’ve always been intrigued by the big questions of life. Who am I really? Why am I here? What’s my purpose? That’s why things like mission statements and core values (You should get some!) are intriguing to me. I like to know the overview. Growing up in a religious home and community, I was given […]