Your emotions are trying to tell you something! Are you listening? Learning to listen to the truth revealed in our emotions is not only important for a well-lived life, but also vital for healthy Christian discipleship. It lies at the center of rich relationships, vibrant families, and healthy churches.
Are you listening to the Wisdom of Your Heart?

Your emotions always tell the truth.
(Just not always the truth you think.)
Numb is the new normal. Escapism masks our inner turmoil. Emotional immaturity undermines our spiritual growth.
We run from our emotions, repress and ignore them, trying to smooth our inner turbulence with wise-sounding spiritual phrases. Still, many of us find ourselves stuck. We deal with the same struggles over and over again. Relationships fail. We do all the right Christian things, and yet don’t sense an increased intimacy with God or the people around us.
We were created in God’s image.
That means our emotions were, too.
So why do we consider our emotions untrustworthy? Why is emotional maturity not a part of discipleship in the church? There has to be a better way.
Discover the God-given purpose and power of your emotions.

As a licensed therapist, the thing I like most about “The Wisdom of Your Heart” is having a resource for clients who are wanting to grow in their emotional health. It is truly an encouragement to know that Marc sees the value in this work as a spiritual teacher! It’s an excellent resource.
—Cindy B / Therapist

Emotions aren’t mere inconveniences that can be buried or brushed aside. Like the determined fly buzzing your bedroom at night, you can ignore them only at the high cost of your rest and peace. Instead, emotions must be acknowledged, listened to, learned from…This book is the net to help you catch what’s been keeping you awake, and Marc is the mentor to help you navigate the dark.
—Michele Cushatt / Author of I Am & Undone

I’m so grateful there are people like Marc in the body of Christ who point us to an authentic relationship with ourselves and Jesus. The Wisdom of Your Heart is a much-needed narrative about the richness we can have in our emotional lives, full of honest examples and biblical truth.
—Mary DeMuth / Author of We Too & Not Marked
God never intended us to fight with our emotions.
God intended us to learn from them.
The Wisdom of Your Heart explains why and how. Starting with his own emotional breakdown, and then moving through what the Bible says about our emotions, and the best understanding that current brain studies have given us, Marc leads the reader on a journey of making peace with our emotions, and coming to be able to hear the wisdom they contain.
The Wisdom of Your Heart challenges Christian myths about emotions and equips us to discover the wisdom within this God-given gift. What myths? Emotions lead you astray. Emotions aren’t spiritual. And the biggest one: God is not emotional.
The truth is this: Emotions are a God-given source of wisdom when we know how to listen.
Is this book for you?
- Did your family or church pretend everything was OK?
- Do you find yourself exploding with anger unexpectedly?
- Were you taught that Godly people couldn’t be emotional?
- Do emotions leave you feeling out of control?
- Was your family, business or church damaged by emotional immaturity or brokenness?
- Do you want to understand emotions better?
- Would emotional maturity bring growth and stability into your life?
If any of these are true The Wisdom Of Your Heart will speak to you.
What will you learn?
- The 4 biggest myths Christians have learned about emotions in church.
- What Scripture really says about our emotions.
- Brain research that gives unexpected insight into emotion’s purpose.
- What happens in the brain and body during an emotional experience.
- The core meaning and impact of our 5 most basic emotions.
- Why denying our emotions hurts intimacy, families, even the church.
- Why no one can truly mature spiritually without maturing emotionally.
- How to notice what is happening in your body and thoughts when you experience emotions.
- How the 5 A Process can help you find wisdom in your emotions.
Learn More
- Emotions: You can Trust Them / Carol Heistand
- Finding Wisdom In Your Anger / Real Men Connect Podcast
- Interview with Aaron J. Smith
- Interview with Frank Viola
- Making Room for Emotions in Church / Church of the Heart Podcast
- Exploring the Wisdom of Your Heart / Preacher’s Forum
- Emotions Aren’t Evil / CXMH Podcast
- Let’s Talk About Emotions / Today’s Family Experience Podcast
- Mindshift on Emotions / The Mindshift Podcast
Reader Reviews

Marc’s transparency and candor in The Wisdom of Your Heart are vulnerable and profound. The window offered into his journey of authentic living is inspirational and applicable to anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed, anxious, lost, or fearful. Marc’s desire to encourage his readers to live more authentic lives is evident in every chapter. The Wisdom of Your Heart is easy to read and yet deeply challenging on a personal level.
—Don V / Amazon Review

I enjoyed the casual, direct tone, and while it was not at all a difficult or ponderous read, it did push me and teach me. The author has a skill in taking potentially academic material and making it approachable and interesting. I have a feeling I’ll re-read this a couple of times!
—Tara R / Amazon Review

It was a gift to read this book and be set free from the immediate guilt I always feel at the moment I have a feeling of fear or anxiety at any intensity level…I had believed the message that fear is a sin… [Instead]I can choose to trust God, and God isn’t demanding I ignore my emotions to do so.
—Jennifer L / Amazon Review
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