[Re-write] Posts that address who you are in Christ.
- You are God’s Poem. (Your Identity & Purpose) – You are NOT unlovable. Here is who you are.
- Do you see yourself as God sees you? The parable of the Homeless Princess.
- The Story Your Heart Needs – An Easter message about the biggest love story ever.
- Brennan Manning: He taught me Jesus’ Heart – Meet one of the greatest advocates for grace ever.
- It’s time you got demoted – How stepping down from CEO of your life will bring you more peace.
- Good news! You don’t have to earn access to God – Your access to God isn’t based on what you do.
- You Delight the Father. Be Free – Mark 1:9-11. What Jesus’ baptism says about how God sees you.
- OK. I admit it. I hate forgiveness too. – Why following Jesus will never be a meritocracy.
- Does the church hate forgiveness? (Like Jonah) – Forgiveness isn’t easy. It’s easy to hate. Here’s why.
- How to get what you want from God – It’s all about understanding desire.
- Time to stop trying too hard. – Perfectionism is an emotional habit. Time to stop.